Monday, January 6, 2014

Need a Joy Fill Up?

 Creating Equals Joy

I don't know about you but for me there is real joy in creating.  It doesn't matter if the idea seems small or the project insignificant or even if the outcome is not what I expected - there is still satisfaction in the "doing" of it, a certain delight in figuring out how to accomplish whatever I have chosen to do.  I am certainly not an "artist" in the big sense of the word.  I haven't painted any masterpieces, composed a brilliant musical score, given a magnificent performance or written a will-be-some-day classic poem or book.  It doesn't seem to matter, the tiniest spark of creativity brings joy.

Why do I (we) love to create?  I believe it is because we are created in the image of God, the original and ultimate creator.  A friend gave me a little devotional book titled "7 Days Behind" by John Paul Jackson.  The reading for Day 5 starts with a passage from the book of Job (Job 38:4-7) that talks about God creating the foundations of the earth and the last sentence is "When the morning stars  sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy."  The response to God's creation - joy.

The reading goes on "True creativity is solely dependent on the One we could never create or dream up, and unless the Uncreated One reaches down from Heaven and injects revelation in us, nothing will be formed. The painting will not appear on canvas. The haiku will not emerge from our pen. Every drop of our creative ability comes from Him...All creative elements, whether art, drama, music, sculpture, poetry, or whatever else, are born from the same seed - revelation...You can't do anything without revelation. Revelation births creativity.."

God gives us ideas (revelation) and the desire to create. God loves to create and so do we. Joy, joy, joy!

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